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Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5

Femme Fatale, 2015. Film Noir inspired this project. I approached each photograph as a still frame of a scene or a storyboard of a movie. However, the main intention was not to focus on a story but on feelings. The principal character is mourning the loss of her lover and coping with feelings of abandonment and loneliness.

Lime Mold
Citrine Crystals
Blue Crystals

Photo Growth, 2015. Nature constantly morphs materials into new forms. This morphing usually occurs through growth and/or decay. As things decay or die, they can actually take on new life and growth, such as a rotting fruit sprouting new life in the form of mold. I manipulated the photographic surface to host/ grow mold or crystals. On the photographs of aging food, mold is growing; on the photographs of crystals, crystals have formed; and unsealed copper leafing is on the photographs of rust. The photographs become what they convey.

Peacock Eye
Orange Slice
Night Lights
Candel Wax

Diptych, 2013. These are diptychs pairing photographs with scanned objects to create an interesting relationship between the two images. 

Mud 4
Mud 3
Mud 2
Mud 1
Mud 5

Mud, 2013. Even though we are inundated with technology, we are still beings of nature. This project is inspired by nature and the New Mexico sky.

Beauty, 2010. An older still life I created to confront the pressures of beauty regiments and products forced upon females.

Reflection, 2009

Kansas Room, 2010. Image created utilizing David Hockney’s technique, in a room at my grandparent’s house in Kansas.

© 2018 by Morgaine Adkin. Proudly created with

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